How To Clean A Futon Mattress Of Urine? A Step-by-Step Guide

Do you have a futon mattress that smells like urine? Are you at your wits end trying to figure out how to get rid of the odor and clean it up? Don’t worry – I’m here to help. In this article, I’ll be providing step-by-step instructions on how to clean a futon mattress of urine. It won’t be easy but with some patience and elbow grease, you can get your mattress back in tip top shape!

If you’re dealing with a fresh accident, act fast! Gather paper towels or other absorbent material, then dampen them with cold water. Make sure not to use hot water as that could set the stain into the fabric. Blot the area until most of the liquid is gone, then proceed onto the cleaning process.

Cleaning a futon mattress doesn’t need to be intimidating – all it takes is finding an effective cleaner and following these steps carefully. By taking your time and being thorough throughout each step, you should successfully remove unpleasant odors from your futon mattress within no time. So let’s get started!

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Materials Needed

Cleaning a futon mattress of urine is not an easy task. It might seem overwhelming, but with the right materials and steps it can be done successfully! You’ll need cleaning cloths, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, and enzyme cleaner to do the job properly.

Start by blotting up as much of the liquid as possible with paper towels or a clean cloth. Don’t scrub; just press down firmly on the affected area until no more liquid can be absorbed into the towel or cloth. Next, sprinkle some baking soda over the spot and let it sit for several minutes before vacuuming away excess powder.

Finally, mix equal parts of hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar in a small bowl or spray bottle and apply directly onto the stain. Be sure to cover the entire spot so that all areas are treated evenly. Allow this mixture to work its magic for about 15 minutes before using your enzyme cleaner according to package instructions. This will help break down any remaining odors from the urine while also getting rid of any lingering stains left behind. With these materials and simple steps you can easily remove unwanted urine odor from your futon mattress without too much trouble!


Before you begin cleaning a futon mattress of urine, there are some important preparatory steps to take. First and foremost, it’s essential to protect your furniture from any potential damage that could be caused by the cleaning process. You may want to lay down towels or newspapers over the area surrounding the mattress in order to prevent liquid cleaners from staining other surfaces. Additionally, if possible, consider removing the futon mattress from its frame before beginning the cleaning process. This will make it easier for you to access all sides of the mattress and clean more thoroughly.

Once you’re ready to start cleaning, gather together all necessary supplies such as paper towels, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, white vinegar, enzyme cleaner and cloths. Having these materials on hand prior to starting will help ensure that the task runs smoothly with minimal disruptions along the way. If at any point during this pre-cleaning phase you feel unsure about how best to proceed, refer back to step-by-step instructions above for guidance.

Now that you’ve completed all preparations necessary for cleaning your futon mattress of urine stains and odors, it’s time move onto actually removing solid waste material left behind by pets or humans alike!

Removing Solid Waste

Now that the preparation phase is complete, it’s time to move on to removing any solid waste material left behind by pets or humans alike. Removing these solids should always be your first step in cleaning a futon mattress of urine stains and odors as they can cause further damage if not dealt with quickly. To start, use paper towels or cloths to blot up any liquid residue from the surface of the mattress. Be sure to focus on areas where there are visible signs of soiling such as dark spots or patches.

Once all liquid has been blotted away, you may need to make use of an enzyme cleaner specifically designed for pet messes. Spray this onto affected areas and leave it to soak in for at least 15 minutes before scrubbing gently using a soft bristled brush. This will help break down solid materials and remove them more effectively than simply wiping them off with a cloth. Additionally, baking soda mixed with water can also be used safely on mattresses to help lift stubborn stains and neutralize bad odors in one simple step!

After completing these steps, it’s time to move onto actually absorbing the remaining moisture from the mattress…

Blotting Up The Urine

Now that the solid waste has been removed, it’s time to move onto blotting up any remaining urine on the futon mattress. This is an important step in properly cleaning and sanitizing a futon mattress of stains and odors. To start, use paper towels or cloths to blot up as much liquid residue from the surface of the mattress as possible. Be sure to focus on areas with visible signs of soiling such as dark spots or patches. If you have access to a wet vacuum cleaner, this can also be used for more effective removal of liquid residues.

Once all residual moisture has been blotted away, pour a small amount of white vinegar over affected areas and leave it for around 15 minutes before wiping down again with a clean cloth. Vinegar is an excellent natural odor remover that helps break down enzymes left behind by pet messes as well as neutralize bad smells lingering in the air. Additionally, baking soda mixed with water can also be used safely on mattresses to help lift stubborn stains while absorbing excess moisture at the same time!

Finally, once all liquid has been absorbed fully it’s time to move onto disinfecting the mattress…

Disinfecting The Mattress

After all the hard work of removing solid waste and blotting up urine, it’s now time to move onto disinfecting the futon mattress. This is an important step in ensuring that your mattress remains clean, hygienic and free from any harmful bacteria or germs. It also helps prevent odors coming back over time.

When it comes to cleaning a futon mattress with urine stains, one of the most effective solutions is to use household bleach. Create a mixture of half water and half bleach, then pour it on affected areas until they are saturated. Let sit for roughly 30 minutes before wiping away with paper towels or cloths. Keep in mind that while this will help kill off bacteria present in the urine, it may cause discoloration if used excessively – so be sure to test out small patches first before using!

If you do not want to use bleach for whatever reason, there are other products available such as hydrogen peroxide-based cleaners which can be just as efficient at killing off bacteria without leaving behind harsh chemicals like chlorine residue. These should always be used according to manufacturer instructions for best results and safety precautions when handling these types of substances.

Now that we’ve properly disinfected our futon mattress and removed any potential hazards caused by pet messes, let’s move on to deodorizing…

Deodorizing The Mattress

Now that we have ensured our futon mattress is free from bacteria, it’s time to tackle the lingering odor of urine. To do this, you’ll need a good deodorizer or fabric freshener. A commercially-available mattress deodorizer can help absorb and neutralize any remaining odors. Alternatively, you could make your own natural deodorizer with baking soda and essential oils like lavender – simply sprinkle some onto the area affected by pet messes before vacuuming up after 15 minutes.

In addition to using a commercial product or DIY solution, there are also other methods for removing unpleasant smells such as airing out the mattress in direct sunlight (if possible) or placing bowls of vinegar around the room overnight. These both work well at absorbing bad odours but don’t forget to keep pets away while doing so!

Whatever method you choose to get rid of unwanted scents, be sure to give extra attention to areas where pet accidents may have occurred as these tend to retain more smell than other parts of the futon mattress. With all these options available, finding an effective way to combat urine odour shouldn’t be too difficult. Now that we’ve taken care of odours, let’s move on to drying the mattress…

Drying The Mattress

Drying the mattress is an important step in ensuring your futon mattress remains clean and free of odour. According to some estimates, up to 80 percent of a pet’s urine can be absorbed into a mattress if not treated right away. This means it’s crucial that you act fast when dealing with any messes or accidents – otherwise you risk having a smelly mattress on your hands!

To ensure the best results while drying out your futon mattress, here are few tips:

  • Quick-dry: Absorb as much moisture from the accident area as possible by pressing down gently with an absorbent cloth or paper towels. You should also use fans or blow dryers set on low heat to speed up drying time.
  • Air-drying: Place the affected area directly underneath a fan or open window so air can circulate freely around it. Make sure you turn over cushions regularly during this process for even drying throughout.
  • Prevent mildew: To guard against mildew growth caused by excess moisture buildup, sprinkle baking soda onto the stained area before vacuuming up after 15 minutes. Baking soda will help reduce humidity levels and keep fungus at bay.
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These simple steps can make all the difference when trying to get rid of unwanted smells and protect your futon mattress from future damage. With proper care and attention, you’ll have a fresh smelling bed ready for endless sleepovers in no time! Now let’s take a look at some final steps we need to consider…

Final Steps

To wrap things up, there are a few final steps we need to take in order to keep our futon mattress clean and free of odour. Let’s go over these key points:

  • Finalizing the cleaning process: Once you’ve dried out the affected area, be sure to vacuum it thoroughly with an upholstery attachment so any remaining particles or odours can be removed. You may also want to use a steam cleaner if available as this will help kill bacteria that could cause further damage down the line.
  • Adding protection: To prevent future accidents from occurring on your futon mattress, consider investing in a waterproof cover or pad. This additional layer will help block moisture and protect your bed from spills and other messes.
  • Protecting against mildew: After airing out your futon mattress for several hours, sprinkle baking soda onto the surface before vacuuming it up after 15 minutes. By doing this regularly, you’ll be able to reduce humidity levels and avoid unwanted fungus growth due to excess moisture buildup.

With these simple steps taken into account, you can rest assured knowing that your futon mattress is safe from dirt and smells – no matter what type of sleepover party guests come your way!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Should I Let The Mattress Dry After I’Ve Finished Cleaning It?

Once you’ve finished cleaning your mattress of urine, there’s one more step before it can be put back on the bed. You need to let it dry for a certain amount of time. But how long should you wait? It all depends on the type and size of your mattress as well as the temperature and humidity in the room.

When deciding how long to let your mattress dry after cleaning, take into account that some materials may require longer drying times than others. A large king-size mattress might take up to 24 hours or more to fully dry, while smaller mattresses could take less time. Additionally, if the room is hot and humid then this too will affect how quickly your mattress dries out.

The most important thing when it comes to getting your mattress clean and keeping it safe from damage is allowing enough time for it to properly dry after cleaning has been completed. So make sure you plan accordingly when thinking about how long you’ll need to let your mattress dry – don’t rush things! Taking extra care and letting it sit for a few hours longer won’t hurt anything but will ensure that no moisture remains behind which could cause problems down the line.

Is There A Way To Prevent Urine From Getting On The Futon Mattress In The Future?

According to a recent survey, nearly 40% of pet owners report that their pets have urinated on furniture at least once. With this in mind, it’s no wonder why so many people look for ways to prevent urine from getting onto their futon mattresses. The good news is there are some simple steps you can take to protect your mattress and keep it clean.

One easy way to protect your futon mattress from urine is by using covers or sheets designed specifically for futons. These often come with waterproof linings that will help keep the moisture away from the core of the mattress. Additionally, if you own a pet then proper training is key. Teaching them not to use the bed as a bathroom can be very helpful in avoiding accidents altogether.

Finally, another way to guard against any potential messes is by using certain types of waterproofing materials such as plastic sheeting or fabric sealant spray. You can also buy specially-designed mattress pads that provide extra protection incase an accident does happen. With these options available, it’s possible to enjoy a comfortable night sleep without having to worry about stains and odors caused by pet urine on your futon mattress!

Is It Necessary To Remove The Mattress Cover Before Cleaning The Mattress?

When cleaning a futon mattress of urine, it’s important to consider whether or not the mattress cover needs to be removed. Removing the mattress cover can be necessary if you want to ensure that your futon is completely clean and free from odors. Without removing the cover, you may only succeed in masking any lingering smell instead of actually getting rid of it.

If you decide to remove the mattress cover before cleaning, there are some special considerations for how best to handle this process. First, make sure to read over any instructions on the care label of the cover so as not to damage it while taking off or putting back on. It might also help to use a mild detergent with lukewarm water when cleaning the mattress cover – just make sure whatever solution you go with doesn’t contain bleach! Finally, after washing and drying your futon mattress cover separately from other fabrics, reattach it securely according to directions given by its manufacturer.

Cleaning a futon mattress properly begins and ends with knowing what steps need to be taken regarding the removal and reinstallment of its corresponding cover. Taking this step can prove essential for ensuring that all traces of urine have been eliminated from both your mattress and its covering fabric. So if you’re looking for a thorough way to get rid of unpleasant smells associated with accidents involving liquids like urine, don’t forget about taking off (and eventually replacing) your futon’s cushion covers during the cleanup process!

Can I Use A Steam Cleaner To Disinfect The Mattress?

Cleaning a mattress of urine can be an intimidating task. It’s like trying to clean up spilled milk after it has already soaked through the entire carpet! But if you have a steam cleaner handy, there is hope for your futon mattress. Using a steam cleaner to disinfect the mattress from urine not only prevents any future odors, but also removes bacteria and germs that come with having pet or human accidents on the bedding.

There are many advantages to using a steam cleaner when dealing with urine on your futon mattress. Here are four key points to consider:

  • A steam cleaner will kill any bacteria or germs in seconds;
  • You’ll get deeper cleaning than just surface-level spot treatments;
  • Steam cleaners remove odor as well as visible stains;
  • And they help prevent further accidents by making sure all surfaces are sanitized.

Once you’ve gathered what you need – including gloves and mask, protective clothing, and detergents – make sure the area is ventilated before beginning. Then use your steam cleaner according to manufacturer instructions and let it dry completely once finished. This process may take several hours depending on how much moisture was trapped in the fabric of your futon mattress, so give yourself plenty of time for this important step in order to properly rid your bedding from unpleasant smells and marks caused by urine.

With diligent effort and patience, you can successfully eliminate unwanted scents and stains from your mattress while ensuring its hygiene at the same time. Allowing yourself enough time and taking proper precautions should help ensure success in restoring your futon mattress back to being safe, comfortable, and hygienic again!

How Often Should I Clean The Futon Mattress?

It’s important to keep your futon mattress clean and maintained. But how often should you do this? When it comes to cleaning a futon mattress, the frequency of maintenance is key. Knowing when and how often to clean your bedding can help maximize its lifespan while keeping it free from dirt and debris.

When determining the best cleaning schedule for your futon mattress, several factors must be taken into consideration. If you have pets or young children in the home, you’ll want to clean more frequently than if no one else uses the mattress but yourself. The type of materials used to make the mattress will also influence your cleaning intervals; some fabrics may need more frequent attention than others. Additionally, consider any allergies or sensitivities that might necessitate regular washing cycles even sooner than usual.

In general, try to maintain a regular schedule for deep-cleaning your futon mattress at least every six months – once per season – as part of an effective maintenance routine. This way, you’ll ensure dust mites and other allergens are kept away without compromising on comfort or hygiene. Vacuuming regularly between these scheduled cleans will also help prevent dirt build-up over time. With the right care plan in place, you can enjoy a longer life span out of your mattresses!


It’s important to take care of your futon mattress, especially if you have kids or pets. Regular cleaning and maintenance will keep it in good condition for years to come. By following these steps outlined above, you can clean a urine-stained futon mattress quickly and easily.

The process isn’t difficult but does require some time and effort on your part. Taking the extra steps to use a steam cleaner, let the mattress dry completely, and prevent future accidents will ensure that no more unpleasant odors linger around your home.

Cleaning up after an accident might not be much fun, but when done correctly it can make all the difference in how comfortable your bed is—and how long it lasts! So don’t wait – give your futon mattress a proper deep clean today so you can rest easy knowing everything is fresh and spotless once again.