Should You Wash New Pillows? Tips for Keeping Them Fresh and Clean

Have you ever bought a new pillow and wondered if you should wash it before snuggling up with it? It’s an entirely reasonable thought. After all, you don’t know what came in contact with the pillows during production or transport.

So, when you buy a brand-new pillow for your bed, do you need to wash it first? The answer might surprise you – yes! You absolutely should always give your new pillow a good cleaning before using it. But why is that important? And how exactly do you go about washing something as delicate as a pillow? Those are great questions, and this article will provide some answers so that you can keep yourself safe and comfortable while sleeping on nice clean pillows every night!

Washing your new pillows is essential because there may be allergens like dust mites or pollen hiding within their fibers that could be detrimental to your health. So let’s take a closer look at why it’s prudent to give those cushy sleep buddies of yours a thorough scrubbing before jumping into bed with them.

New Pillows
New Pillows

Definition Of ‘New Pillow’

As the saying goes, “prevention is better than cure”. So it’s important to understand what you’re buying when you purchase a new pillow – and that starts with understanding the definition of a ‘new pillow’. A new pillow can be defined as any pillow purchased from a manufacturer or retailer that has not been previously used by another person. This means that even if the item was removed from its packaging for inspection prior to purchasing, it would still be considered a new pillow since no one had actually slept on it.

In other words, pillows sold in stores have never been exposed to body oils, sweat, dander, dust mites and other allergens which could potentially lead to health issues such as allergies or asthma attacks. Therefore, while there are some risks associated with using secondhand pillows (like those found at garage sales), most of these risks can be avoided simply by choosing to buy a new pillow instead.

While buying new carries certain advantages over used items, the decision should ultimately come down to personal preference – but regardless of your choice, always remember the importance of taking proper care of your pillows so they last longer and provide maximum comfort!

What Is The Risk Of Not Washing A New Pillow?

When purchasing a new pillow, many people assume that the item is already clean and ready to use. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth! Not washing your new pillow can lead to some serious health risks – including but not limited to:

  • Bedbugs: The plastic packaging in which pillows are typically stored could potentially harbor bedbugs or their eggs. Washing your pillow helps get rid of any unwanted pests.
  • Dust mites: These microscopic creatures feed on dead skin cells left behind by humans, so it’s important to wash away these allergens if you don’t want them infesting your mattress.
  • Skin allergies: Unwashed pillows can also cause skin irritation due to dust buildup, resulting in rashes and other allergic reactions. Washing removes all traces of dirt and bacteria.
  • Respiratory problems: Allergies aside, breathing in particles found on unwashed pillows can lead to respiratory issues such as asthma attacks.
  • Bacteria growth: Finally, unwashed pillows are ideal breeding grounds for mold and mildew due to moisture accumulation over time – something no one wants near their sleeping space!

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why washing a new pillow should always be part of your cleaning routine. Doing so will help keep your sleeping area free of potential contaminants while ensuring maximum comfort when it comes time for restful slumber!

Benefits Of Washing A New Pillow

Although it may seem like an unnecessary step, washing a new pillow is actually essential to ensuring your health and comfort. Here are some of the benefits that come with making sure your pillows get a good clean:

  • Fresher smell: Washing away dirt and dust will leave your bed smelling fresh and inviting, without any musty odors.
  • Reduced allergens: Pillow-cleaning helps reduce the number of dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and other airborne contaminants in your bedroom. This can be especially helpful for people who suffer from asthma or allergies.
  • Refreshed look: After cleaning, you’ll find that your pillows have regained their original shape and fluffiness – giving them a much more attractive appearance! Plus, if you’ve invested in high-quality materials for your pillowcases such as silk or satin, then regular new-pillow care should help keep these fabrics looking pristine over time.

So just how do you go about properly sanitizing those sleeping companions? Luckily there are plenty of easy-to-follow pillow-washing tips available online which provide detailed instructions on how to wash different types of pillows depending on their material composition. Just remember to always use cold water when laundering delicate items such as down feathers or memory foam inserts since hot temperatures could damage them irreversibly. So don’t delay – taking proper care of your pillow through regular pillow-cleaning will ensure better sleep quality while protecting both yours and its health!

Now let’s take a closer look at what materials should be washed separately…

What Materials Should Be Washed Separately?

Now that we’ve established the many benefits of washing a new pillow, let’s take a look at what materials should be washed separately. Depending on the contents and construction of your pillows, you may have to use different methods for cleaning each item in order to ensure their longevity. Here are some helpful tips on how best to care for various fabrics:

  • Pillowcases: For most types of pillowcases (such as cotton or polyester blends), it’s usually safe to machine wash them according to the manufacturer’s instructions. However, if they contain any delicate trims such as lace or sequins then hand-washing is likely the better choice in order to avoid damage.
  • Washing Instructions: Always check the labels attached onto your pillows and follow any special washing instructions given there – this could include separating colors before laundering, using only cold water temperatures, or even taking items out of the dryer after 10 minutes instead of letting them sit for too long!
  • Mixed Fabrics: If your pillows are made from mixed fabrics like down feathers combined with memory foam inserts then it’s best not to risk damaging either material by trying to clean them together. Instead opt for spot cleaning or take advantage of professional dry cleaning services when necessary.
  • Down Pillows: As these tend to be quite sensitive due to their unique composition, it’s important that you stick closely to whatever specific instructions come with them regarding washing and drying times – otherwise you might end up ruining them completely!

As you can see there are plenty of considerations when deciding which method is right for maintaining your new pillows. With just a bit of extra effort though you can rest assured knowing that all those sleeping companions will remain in good condition for years ahead!

Best Techniques For Washing Your New Pillow

Caring for a new pillow can be an intimidating task – after all, you want to make sure it will stay in pristine condition for years to come. But with just a few simple steps and some basic washing techniques, your pillows can look as good as new in no time! Here are our top tips for keeping your new pillow clean and cozy:

First things first, always check the care label on your pillow before attempting any cleaning methods. Different materials require different treatment so it’s important to know exactly what type of fabric yours is made from. Once you have that information, then you can decide whether or not machine-washing is an option. For most fabrics like cotton or polyester blends, these should be okay going through the washing machine; however if there are delicate trims such as lace or sequins then hand-washing is likely safest way to go.

When it comes time to actually wash the pillowcase(s), use warm water (not hot) and a mild detergent designed specifically for delicates — never use bleach! Set the washer’s cycle speed on low and add two tennis balls into the load—these help fluff up the filling while also preventing clumping during drying cycles. Finally, try using a liquid fabric softener instead of dryer sheets when tumble drying in order to avoid any potential residue build-up over time.

By following these easy guidelines for proper care and maintenance of your new pillows, you’ll rest assured knowing they’re well taken care of – allowing yourself one less thing to worry about at night!

Drying Your New Pillow

Once you have washed your new pillow and it’s time to dry, there are a few key steps to keep in mind. Here is a breakdown of the best ways to get your pillows all dried up:

  • Pillow-Drying – This method involves laying out the pillow on an outside clothesline or drying rack that gets plenty of air circulation. Once dry, fluff gently before putting back into use.
  • Pillow Dryer – You can also purchase special pillow dryers which are specifically designed for this task. These machines work by blowing warm air over the surface of the pillow and do not require any additional heat settings or materials like fabric softener sheets. This can be a great way to ensure quick drying times without worrying about shrinkage or damage from too much heat exposure.
  • Air Drying Pillow – If you don’t have access to either of these methods, simply hang your pillow upside down in order to allow gravity to help release moisture. To speed up the process, try using a fan set on low speed directed at the underside of the pillow — just make sure not to let it blow directly onto any delicate trims! Finally, if necessary, you can always give them one final fluff in a warm dryer but with no additional heat setting (or add some tennis balls again!).

With these methods, you should easily be able to get your pillows nice and dry while keeping them looking their best! From here we’ll move onto some common mistakes people often make when washing their new pillows – so read on for more information!

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Washing Your New Pillow

Let’s be real, washing new pillows isn’t the most exciting activity. But that doesn’t mean you should take it lightly or skimp on certain steps in order to get it done faster! Here are some common mistakes people make when they wash their new pillow and how to avoid them:

First up is washing temperature. Most pillows can handle a warm water cycle with regular detergent but make sure to check the care label beforehand so you don’t end up ruining your investment! Also, never let anyone talk you into overstuffing the machine — this will leave your pillow feeling flat and uncomfortable once dry.

See also  How to Get Rid of Purple Stains on My Pillow? Natural Solutions to the Problem

Second, pay attention to those dryer settings! Make sure not to use any heat setting as this could cause irreversible damage and shrinkage – simply air-dry or tumble with no heat if needed. Finally, consider using a special stain removal product for any stubborn spots as regular detergents might not always do the trick.

So there you have it – just these few easy tips are enough to help ensure that your new pillow stays fresh and fluffy after every wash! Onwards now to other alternatives when it comes to taking good care of your pillow…

Alternatives To Washing A New Pillow

It’s true that washing your new pillow is a great way to keep it clean, but sometimes other alternatives are necessary. Here are some tips to consider when looking for ways to sanitize and maintain the freshness of your new pillow without actually putting it in the wash:

  • Steam Cleaning – If you have access to a steam cleaner machine, this could be an ideal choice for cleaning delicate fabrics such as down-filled pillows. Steam cleaning can help eliminate dust mites, bacteria and odours without causing any damage. Just make sure not to overdo it, or else you risk making the fabric damp and soggy!
  • Replace Regularly – Depending on how often you use your pillow (and what type of material it’s made from), experts suggest replacing them every two years at least. This will ensure that they stay sturdy and comfortable while also reducing allergens like dust mite droppings which may accumulate over time.
  • Air Out & Vacuum Clean – In between washes, simply airing out your pillow by leaving it outside in direct sunlight or giving it a good vacuum can do wonders in preserving its quality for longer periods of time. You should also flip and rotate your pillow regularly so that all surfaces get equal amounts of air exposure throughout the year.

The bottom line? Keeping your new pillow clean doesn’t have to mean frequent trips through the washing machine – there are plenty of alternative techniques available if you’re willing to take some extra precautions!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should I Wash My New Pillow?

When it comes to pillow care, washing frequency is key. The question of how often you should be laundering your new pillows depends on a few factors such as the type of material and sleeping habits. Regular maintenance can help keep your pillows clean and free from dirt, dust mites, oils, sweat and other allergens.

Depending on what kind of pillow you have, there are different cleaning intervals that need to be taken into consideration. For example, if you have a down or feather-filled pillow then they should generally be washed once every two months as these materials tend to absorb more moisture than synthetic fillings like polyester. If you’re using a memory foam pillow then it’s best to follow manufacturer instructions for proper cleaning and maintenance since this type of filling can easily become damaged when exposed to too much water or heat.

Taking proper care of your new pillows will ensure their longevity as well as your comfort while sleeping. By keeping up with regular maintenance such as washing them at appropriate intervals according to the material used in their construction and following any additional instructions provided by the manufacturer, you’ll be able to get the most out of your investment while also enjoying a healthier sleep environment!

What Type Of Detergent Should I Use For Washing My New Pillow?

It can be a daunting task to figure out what type of detergent to use when washing your new pillow. After all, you want it to come out looking and smelling as fresh as possible! But with the right kind of detergent, your new pillow will stay clean for longer and reduce the risk of mildew build-up.

When figuring out which detergent type is best for washing your new pillow, consider several factors. First, check the manufacturer’s care instructions on the label – this may include advice about whether or not to use bleach, fabric softener or any other special treatments. Secondly, make sure that whatever product you choose is safe for both your machine and your pillows – if in doubt, opt for a mild liquid laundry detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics. Finally, think about how often you plan to wash your pillow; some products are better suited for frequent washes than others.

Once you have chosen an appropriate detergent type, loading up the washing machine couldn’t be simpler! Place the pillow in first so it doesn’t get caught on anything else during the cycle, then simply add the correct amount of detergent before setting off the machine. With regular maintenance using an appropriate detergent solution tailored just for your needs, you should be able to keep your new pillows in great condition over time – no more worries about mildew prevention!

Is It Safe To Put My New Pillow In The Dryer?

When it comes to washing new pillows, many of us are left wondering whether or not we can put them in the dryer. It’s a valid question, and one that needs careful consideration before taking any action. After all, you don’t want to risk damaging your brand-new pillow!

Generally speaking, it is safe to put your new pillow in the dryer with a mild detergent on low heat. This will help prevent mold and mildew from forming while also ensuring the fabric isn’t affected by high temperatures. Keep an eye on the cycle though, as too much time in the dryer may cause shrinkage or fading of materials. If necessary, use multiple shorter cycles instead of one long session so that you can monitor the progress more easily.

It is always best to read the manufacturer’s instructions prior to laundering a new item like a pillow — this way you’ll know exactly what temperature and setting works for their product. Ultimately, if done properly, putting your pillow in the dryer should be no problem at all!

Can I Wash My New Pillow With Other Items In The Same Load?

Do you have multiple new pillows that you want to wash in one load? Well, it is possible, but there are some important considerations. To answer the question: can I wash my new pillow with other items in the same load? Yes – if done properly!

Let’s start by talking about washing multiple pillows together. While it is alright to put two or more newly purchased pillows into a single washing cycle, they should be placed on opposite ends of the machine so that they do not end up tangling around each other during agitation and tumbling. This will help ensure both pillows come out clean and undamaged after the cycle has finished. It is also wise to place a few towels between them for added protection.

When it comes to washing your new pillows alongside other items such as bed sheets or clothing, make sure that all fabrics being washed are similar in color and material type – otherwise you risk transferring dye onto your white pillow cases from any brightly colored clothes in the same cycle. Additionally, never exceed the maximum capacity recommendation stated by your machine’s manufacturer; this will prevent overloading which may lead to damage or poor cleaning results.

As long as these guidelines are followed then yes, you can safely combine multiple pillows into one laundry cycle with no problems at all! Keep these tips in mind when considering washing new pillows together and no matter what you decide upon, happy laundering!

Is It Possible To Prevent Mildew On My New Pillow?

Preventing mildew on new pillows is an important step to ensure that they last for a long time. Mildew can cause discoloration and unpleasant odors, which can be difficult or impossible to remove from the pillow’s fabric. So it’s important to take steps to avoid having your pillow become affected by mildew in the first place.

There are several things you can do to prevent pillow mildew, such as keeping them away from moisture sources like steamy bathrooms and damp basements. It’s also helpful to store them in dry places with good air circulation, so any moisture present will evaporate quickly. If you’re using a protective cover for your new pillow, make sure it is breathable enough to allow airflow. Additionally, wash pillows regularly according to their care instructions; this helps keep dust mites and other allergens at bay while also removing any sweat or dirt that could lead to mildew growth if left unchecked.

In summary, preventing mildew on your new pillows starts with storing them carefully and washing them regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Taking these preventative measures will help keep your pillows looking great and smelling fresh for years!


The answer to the question of whether or not you should wash your new pillow is a resounding yes. Washing and caring for your new pillow regularly will help it last longer and keep it fresh-smelling and hygienic. By following some simple steps, such as using a gentle detergent, avoiding the dryer if possible, washing only with other items that are similar in size and color, and taking steps to prevent mildew growth, you can ensure that your new pillow stays clean and comfortable.

Caring for your pillows doesn’t have to be a chore; instead think of it like investing in yourself: by giving them regular TLC you’re guaranteeing yourself comfort night after night – sweet dreams! After all, when it comes down to it, having a well-cared for pillow is just one more way to show yourself love. So don’t lose sleep over how often you should be washing those pillows – use this guide as an easy reminder so you can rest assured knowing that they’re taken care of.

In conclusion, washing your new pillows may seem daunting at first but really there’s no need for alarm bells to ring every time laundry day rolls around. As long as you follow these guidelines and take good care of your bedding then there’s nothing stopping you from sleeping soundly each night on luxurious layers of freshly laundered linen.